
Send notifications and alerts to your team via Slack when a threat or security issue is detected. Gain IAM observability to Slack users, groups, channels, and configurations as well as detection of different security risks.


Receive timely alerts and information directly in a designated webhook channel, initiating workflows and actions in Torq. You’ll stay informed about important changes and potential security risks and threats within your environment and be able to respond quickly.

Universal Webhook Connector

Easily and quickly integrate Rezonae with any external system supporting HTTP Incoming webhooks.


Send notifications and alerts with Splunk integration and enable your team to execute workflows and analysis based on the information detected by Rezonate.


Send and receive timely alerts and information to stay informed about important changes and potential security risks and threats within your environment.

Microsoft Teams

Get timely alerts and insights directly in a designated channel to stay informed about important changes, potential security risks and threats within your environment.

Rezonate Announces Mid-Market Identity-Security Solution. Learn more